More and more companies are now requesting graphic designers to submit a corporate branding proposal for their marketing strategies. This is a great opportunity for those that want to start a career as a freelance graphics design artist. But with so many more experienced freelance graphic designers out there, constructing a corporate branding proposal that gives a favorable impression to the client can be more challenging that writing the proposal itself.
Key Elements in Writing a Corporate Branding Proposal
The secret to getting your corporate branding proposal the attention it deserves, it must be able to explain everything to your client at a glance to win the bid. To do that, your corporate branding proposal must contain 5 key elements:
- Solutions-How can you, as a graphics design artist, address the branding needs and problems of the client? Support your ideas with a solid presentation that contains a proper balance of text and graphics to make this less tedious to read.
- Benefits-A winning corporate branding proposal is able to convince the client of the many benefits they will gain from choosing you for the project.
- Credibility-Clients would want to hear on how satisfied your previous clients are with the work that you provide.
- Samples-Including your portfolio gives the client an overview of the quality of work that you can provide them. This is extremely helpful especially if you don’t have any third-party endorsements to submit to the client.
- Clear Communication-A corporate branding proposal is your way of communicating to the client that you’re the right person for the job. Choose simple words to explain your points and minimize your use of jargon to avoid any confusion. If you need to, make sure that you provide the client with a clear definition of the jargon you are using.
Graphic Proposal Templates
Using graphic design proposal templates are a quick and easy way to make sure that your corporate branding proposal contains all of these key elements.
A graphic design proposal template has been carefully written to have all the key elements of a winning corporate branding proposal. All you will need to do is to customize these templates to match the project offered by the client. This lessens your worry whether or not you got all of the key elements incorporated in the proposal you’ll submit to the client.
This leads to another benefit of using proposal templates: speed. It is said that freelance graphics design artists who are among the first to submit a proposal to the client increases their chances of winning the bid by up to 30%.
Of course, using graphic design proposal templates to create your corporate branding proposal does give you a 100% guarantee. But if you combine this with a really good portfolio and concept, you’re in a better position to compete with other more experienced graphic design artists for the attention of the client.